qu'est que c'est?

| The first entry |
July 05, 2005 at 3:08 PM

Well . . . I've made changes to the template, but they're not showing up. Diaryland has had a bad tendency to not update things right when they're changed. I must say, it's increasingly annoying. I might just explode someday.

Had my interview today. . . it didn't suck, but I don't feel like it went extremely well, either. I felt like I conveyed to the lady why I'd be good for the job, but I just didn't feel like I did it to my full potential. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I had rolled out of bed about 20 minutes before, and had to speed walk there for 15 of those. Perhaps. She said that she had to "compare notes" with Joe (the general manager - she being the supervisor) and she'd call me this afternoon or tomorrow. I hate it when they make you wait. I really do just wish they'd tell you if you have the job or not, so you can keep looking for a job and stop hoping, or celebrate and relax a little before they start using you for slave labor (although I did get out of the GM Joe - teehee - GM Joe *snickers* - that instead of starting me at $8, he'd start me at $9 if I was hired) so perhaps it wouldn't be too bad. But seriously - gawd, I need this job.

I've decided to stay with this layout for now - I've been looking at it off and on for two years, so I may as well use it now, 'cause I'm most likely going to change it in a few days/weeks anyway. (I always do) It attracted me for a reason, and I do like how it looks. I have a feeling you people will too.

Since this is the start of a new diary, I feel obligated to tell you to visit all the lovely links on the right. They're simply splendid, and deserve being clicked on and looked at, seeing as how I spent time putting them there, and making their pages.

ALSO - there is a notify list to the right - do join - there will be notifications sent to you when I update - how convenient!

And I'll leave you with that, since I really still haven't finished making all the links pages *blushes* What a hypocrite am I!

//edit: I am working on getting comments. Haloscan is being a bitch, and my roommate has my wallet in his bag, so I'll have to get that first before I can buy a gold/supergold membership which will allow me to recieve comments from anyone and everyone - as of right now, I believe that the only people who can give comments are diaryland users. Sorry! Please come back and comment tonight!

leave a note

| last five entries |

Freedom - October 13, 2005
Space 3 - October 20, 2005
Space 2 - October 20, 2005
Space 1 - October 20, 2005
Design - October 20, 2005